Day 2: Being and Presence
::: Morning practice
::: Check-in ::: A teach on the Four Fold Practice And The Path Chaordic ::: Walk n 'Talk ::: World Cafe ::: Open Space ::: Check Out World Cafe HarvestAfter a wonderful fika break with delicious snacks and warm tea, we got back in the room to find a circle of tables covered with paper, markers, plasticine, and post-its. It was time for the World Café.
The World Café is a method for creating a living network of collaborative dialogue around questions that matter in real life situations. The two questions that we were asked were: 1) How do I see the four folding practice helping me be the leader I want to be? 2) What are the conversations that are alive in me that are needed to foster creative disruption? The first round of conversations on my table started with the sharing of each individual perspective on the fourfold practice. It then unfolded into a beautiful reflection on what it means to be a leader: The equilibrium between stepping up and stepping back. We talked about the balance between being totally conservative and holding on to the new, and the totally alternative, who wants to start all over again. Without us knowing, we were already bringing elements of the Appreciative Inquiry, a learning delivered by Maaianne the next morning. As we stepped into the second question, the feeling of harmony in the group dissolved. We no longer seemed to be aligned, and our answers were contrasting and sometimes opposite to each other. It took us some time to realize we didn’t even have a common understanding of what “creative disruption” actually means. Once we cracked that, it was easy to bring everyone back into the same page, by asking “what does creative disruption mean to you”? It was then time to move on to the next table. I stayed in mine, as a host to the next group. After a short synthesis, the conversation unfolded into what would be the next steps to follow the conversations that would be needed to foster creative disruption. Our insights were: 1) Conversations: to align, inspire, spark and invite. 2) Momentum: to gain insight, plan, structure, set up next steps. 3) Implementation: to start moving, acting, implementing. And to close our beautiful discussion, we added a fourth step: to celebrate. Whether you succeed or fail, always celebrate. ~ Maíra Rahme |
Short Summary (copied from Harvest page...)
Followed by longer description... what are you experiencing right now? |